This year we have continued in our tradition of 100% pass rate for our students graduating with a BA (Hons) in Ballet Performance.

Our graduate students all worked hard throughout the year and obtained excellent marks across all modules. We saw four students (Rose Hardiman, Sophie Halford, Bayley Webster and Megan Hill) obtain a first-class honour, all of whom are now working professionally in classical companies across Europe. Rose Hardiman says,
“My time throughout my three years at BTUKS has been challenging but more importantly rewarding. I feel the training helped me improve both technically and artistically preparing me not only for my graduate year and degree course but also the professional world. As part of my studies I worked with Ballet Theatre UK in their production of The Sleeping Beauty where I was able to dance alongside the professional dancers. This provided me with such an insight into the professional world and I found the whole experience inspiring!”
Rose, following her time with the company during her graduate year, was offered a full-time position within the company. She adds
“Working with the production team really did prepare me for the next step. I was able to fit in with the company straight away as I knew what to expect, but more importantly what was expected of me. I am so thankful for everything the school has done for me and I am proud to be dancing professionally, flying the BTUKS flag!”

A special thanks to the hardworking staff and support team at the School who helped the students achieve their results, who are all in turn proud of the student’s achievements. We wish you all the very best for your futures, congrats Grads!