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Due to the continued uncertainty regarding restrictions, we have taken the decision to run with a digital audition, as per last year, for our upcoming Associate Audition.


The process worked very well last year and ensured students could still apply, without the worries or difficulties regarding COVID and restrictions. 

To make it simple for all we have created a short video split into two age categories for you to learn and replicate at home. We have also made the application form digital so once you have recorded your exercises you will need to complete the online form below and upload your video. We understand there will be limitations with filming at home and this will be taken into consideration. We just ask everyone tries their best in this challenging time.

The closing date for applicants was Aug 20th, 2021.

Late applications may still be accepted, please contact our auditions coordinator via email to discuss prior to making/submitting an application, 



"I have really enjoyed my time on the Associates Programme. I find the teaching truly inspiring and the access to vocational training alongside my current dance training has really has helped me improve!"

Amelia, former Associate Student now training at The Royal Ballet (White Lodge)

Please follow the link below appreciate to your current age to access video footage of the exercises you are to learn and perform. You will also find music files for the exercises to make it easier for you to perform to whilst recording. 

Once you have completed your recording please complete the application form below and upload your audition tape. 

The audition fee for our Associate Programme is £40 per dancers and must be paid prior to submitting an application.
This must be done via BACS or bank transfers. The details required are;

Name: The School of Ballet Theatre UK
Sort Code: 40-24-19
Account Number: 31860623

To assist with the processing of each application we kindly ask that confirmation of payment for the audition fee, such as a screen print of the transfer or a remittance slip, is also sent along with the application. Applications submitted without proof of payment will not be processed. 

If you are struggling to upload your video to our online application form above it may be because the file size is too large.
We suggest you send the file/s to the team using WeTransfer, a free secure file transfer website for sending large files.
To do this please follow the link below ensuring your file is clearly titled with the dancer's name as well as using the same email address as per the application form so we can easily assign your video/s to your application form. 


If you have any questions about the programme/the audition process please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team today via email,

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